National Nutrition Month: Nurturing the Mind by Nourishing the Body

Urban Farm PVNational Nutrition Month is upon us. Sponsored annually by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the campaign focuses on the importance of making positive and informed nutritional choices and awareness of the benefits of leading a healthy and physically active lifestyle. National Nutrition Month reminds us that nourishment of the body is imperative in both the physical wellness and the development of the mind. Pro-Vision celebrates the mission of National Nutrition Month this month and every month by teaching the students attending Pro-Vision these valuable life lessons through the Urban Farm program. The Urban Farm at Pro-Vision implores students to consider the source and true value of their food while teaching self-sustainability and community involvement.

By participating in The Urban Farm, students learn that a nutritious diet is conducive to more than just maintaining physical fitness. The importance of eating a well-balanced and vitamin-rich diet is paramount to mental vigor, as the nutrients in food are largely responsible for promoting educational stamina. At Pro-Vision, we hold nourishing the mind and body of our students in high regard. By taking an active role in our Urban Farm, Pro-Vision students learn to cultivate crops along with cultivating their character and maintain the ideals of choosing nutritional foods.

The Urban Farm at Pro-Vision represents the significance of science and sustainability. No matter the selected vocation of the student, learning the value of an unbreakable work ethic is a lesson that students carry through adulthood. By understanding the connection between hard work and success, students are able to apply the concept to a multitude of aspects in their lives. Educationally, the Urban Farm teaches students the importance of respecting the values of farmland and unprocessed foods, instilling the importance of the natural sciences. Interpersonally, students benefit from not only taking their produce to local grocers and farmer’s markets, but also putting a portion of their proceeds back into their community.

The Pro-Vision Urban Farm does more than foster adeptness of the life sciences; learning the values of unprocessed foods directly correlates to the nutritional choices of the students. By experiencing food in it’s unadulterated form, students are able to appreciate it’s intrinsic value and benefit to the human body, therefore influencing future nutritional choices. Students learn that a keen mind is indicative of a body that is properly fed, and it becomes second nature for the student to select healthy foods rather than foods that have been overly processed.

When a student is receiving proper nutrition, the cognitive effects are apparent; coursework that requires complex critical thinking is easier to navigate and comprehend, which allows for maintaining intellectual stamina. When students are taught about the nutrients that their brains require to function at a supreme level, and those lessons are implemented at home as well as at school, momentum builds in terms of both academics and wellness. Healthy eating is a catalyst for healthy living as a whole; when a student realizes that he is thriving due in part to his nutritional intake, he or she is likely to continue to make healthy choices in other aspects of his or her life.

Pro-Vision is passionate about the wellness of our students. We believe that nourishing the body is the foundation for enriching the mind, and that lessons of science, sustainability, and community are wholly interconnected. National Nutrition Month is a wonderful way to spread awareness of nutritional needs. At Pro-Vision, we celebrate this sentiment by teaching students about the importance of healthy living this month and throughout the year. The Urban Farm sews the seeds of community, grows the link between work ethic and success, and yields a greater appreciation for what sustains us.

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